Class NegamaxResult<M>

Object returned after searching the tree using negamax.

Type Parameters

  • M



  • Type Parameters

    • M


    • exit: SearchExit

      Reason the search has stopped and result returned.

    • move: M

      The best move from the activeRoot.

    • value: number

      Value of activeRoot according to search.

    • depth: number

      Depth reached and fully searched.

    • outcomes: number

      Number of nodes at bottom of tree (not neccessarily leaves).

    • nodes: number

      Number of nodes in full tree.

    • pathLength: number

      Minimum number of moves until a leaf node.

    Returns NegamaxResult<M>


Reason the search has stopped and result returned.

move: M

The best move from the activeRoot.

value: number

Value of activeRoot according to search.

depth: number

Depth reached and fully searched.

outcomes: number

Number of nodes at bottom of tree (not neccessarily leaves).

nodes: number

Number of nodes in full tree.

pathLength: number

Minimum number of moves until a leaf node.

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