The object representing the state of the game
The object representing a move in the game
Extra data used in evaluation not suitable for storing in the gamestate
Defines location within tree. See NodeType.
Gamestate used to create the node. Should be a clone of that used in the actual game.
Move used to reach this node. For root node, use a Null
version of the correct data type.
Extra data accessible by the evaluation function. If not used, set to 0.
Defines how best child node is selected.
Reference to all the possible moves from this node.
parent of this node, undefined if node is root
List of the child nodes that link to this node
Index of next move to be branched
Value of the gamestate at this node
Value used for selection by parent of this node
Search depth when inherited value was assigned Use to remove false selections when a-b pruning
Minimum number of moves required until a leaf node is reached.
Scores used for multiplayer minimax
scores inherited from best child
Player to play turn from this node
Best child as selected by aim
if any children of node have been pruned, false
if full search
Count of decendant nodes
Defines location within tree. See NodeType.
Gamestate used to create the node. Should be a clone of that used in the actual game.
Move used to reach this node. For root node, use a Null
version of the correct data type.
Extra data accessible by the evaluation function. If not used, set to 0.
Defines how best child node is selected.
Reference to all the possible moves from this node.
Generated using TypeDoc
Representation of a node in the game Tree.
Holds the gamestate, a list of moves and a list of child nodes.