Method used to search for best move. See SearchMethod for details
Timeout used when method is TIME. Timeout disabled when set to 0.
Default search depth for depth and deepening searches.
Depth to start from for deepening and time based. Bypassing early depths may improve performance.
Use the child generator instead of creating all children for each node. Should be faster and use less memory.
Method used to sort nodes if presort is enabled
nodeMaximum number of nodes allowed in the tree. Search will finish if exceeded, returning NODE_LIMIT.
Actual nodes in tree will be between nodeLimit and nodeLimit + x where x, is the number of moves/children being checked when the nodeLimit is exceeded.
Disabled by setting to 0
Only works with Negamax (optimal = false)
randomFor removing nodes in between iterative searches. Allows for deeper searches that would otherwise be memory limited.
Good for reduced memory usage but takes extra time.
Controls the way removal behaves for DEPTH
Controls the way removal behaves for COUNT
Generated using TypeDoc
Change the behaviour of the minimax search.
The following options are not yet supported: